Roulette Winning Strategy 2019

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For this roulette strategy to work, you need to make larger bets or win, in order to recoup losses So if you reach the max bet of the table, then you have to walk away with losses. D'Alembert Roulette Strategy. The D'Alembert roulette strategy is named after the French roulette theorist Jean le Rond d'Alembert who lived in the 18th century. Which brings us to some of the basic strategies for playing, and possibly winning at roulette, always keeping in mind the only one sure, guaranteed way to win at roulette is to walk away after winning a bet. The “Hit it and quit it,” strategy, as I call it.

The roulette is a favorite pick of many gamblers in both land-based and online casinos. The spinning wheel is breathtaking, the agitation is escalating, and the wins are dizzying…but rare. Unfortunately, this game is notorious for some of the worst odds in the gaming world, and its fandom rarely makes you rich – more often broken. But wait a minute, is everything really is that gloomy? Not at all, as dedicated fans and experts have developed secret strategies to play roulette to maximize their wins (or at least to minimize their losses and not to spoil the gaming fun). Learn more about these online roulette strategies in our review. Boost your gambling skills and beat the banker next time.

The Martingale Strategy

Roulette Winning Strategy 2019

The Martingale system of online roulette playing takes its name from an entire class of 18th-century betting strategies that were commonly used in France. Here the winning coin comes up heads and the losing one – tails. The Martingale casino roulette strategy presupposes doubling of the bet after every loss. In such a way, the win is expected to cover all previous losses. In addition, it will bring a considerable profit equal to the original stake.

  • Gambling history or experience can get right into roulette. Much exactly like this e-book. The strategy behind the e-book is based on the simplicity of the game itself. The e-book will show you systematic, on how to beat the house edge of roulette using a simple as can be strategy. The potential of winning $120 per hour using.
  • The great thing about Roulette, and the reason for its immense popularity, is that it’s exciting. Unfortunately, while the gameplay of Roulette is quite thrilling, the odds for players are some of the worst of any game. So, here are some strategies for players who want to increase their odds of winning while having fun at Roulette.
  • Go with the Fibonacci System for a low-risk, low-reward strategy. In this system, you place wagers only on the roughly 50/50 bets (such as odd/even), and you base your wagers on the Fibonacci numbers. If you lose in the first round, make your next wager the next number in the Fibonacci sequence in the second round.

However, the system is hardly applicable in real-life conditions. To win in online roulette with the Martingale approach, you need an infinite budget. Thus, the doubling of bets quickly bankrupted the fans of this betting system. Thus, we recommend trying Martingale in online roulette only if you are 100% sure to about going on until the first win. Otherwise, you might end being broke sooner than you think.

Important tips:

  • Start from the smallest possible bet to be able to double your stakes longer.
  • Don’t bet on zero, rather choosing red/black, 1-18, or 19-36.
  • Don’t raise the bet even upon winning; keep the win and bet the same small amount.
  • Double the bet every time you lose.
  • Keep the bet on the same color/number.
  • Continue as long as you have money left or win enough to leave.

The Reverse Martingale Strategy

As the name suggests, the reverse betting system suggests decreasing the bet after wins, not losses. In this way, gamblers may keep the highest win. They also minimize losses from further gameplay.

Steps for implementing this roulette strategy to win at the casino:

  • Start betting small.
  • Keep the bet on one spot (red/black, 1-18, 19-36).
  • Don’t raise the bet upon losing.
  • Once you win, double the bet for the next round.
  • If you win again, double the bet again.
  • If you lose, reduce the bet to the original small sum.
  • Keep playing until you lose all money or win enough to leave content.

The D’Alembert Roulette Strategy

Another casino roulette winning strategy is that of D’Alembert. It’s a typical roulette playing strategy for even bets. Its users add a certain unit to the bet after each win and subtract the same unit after each loss. There is no reverse D’Alembert system.

  • Select your even-money bet (black-red).
  • Choose the outcome on which you stake (e.g., red).
  • Keep playing for that stake.
  • Add one chip to the previous bet upon each loss.
  • Deduct one chip from the previous bet upon each win.
  • Play until you are satisfied with the win or until you’ve reached your spending limit

This system can hardly be called the best strategy to play roulette as it’s based on a mathematical fallacy. If two players use it at one table, it turns into pure dumb luck.

The Fibonacci Strategy

Roulette Winning Strategy 2019 2020

Among all online roulette strategies, the Fibonacci online roulette winning strategy deserves an honorable place due to its mathematical sophistication and a solid scientific base. As the name implies, the bets are determined by the Fibonacci sequence. It starts with the numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 2, and so on.

The Fibonacci staking system is the system of scores. That is, the score is calculated based on the game’s outcome. The score determines the situation on the betting table. That data informs the gambler’s decision-making. Overall, it’s quite a stable online roulette strategy, as even long progressive losses are well compensated with one win.

Gamblers like it much more than the Martingale system. This casino roulette strategy is less threatening in terms of table limits. Moreover, it helps the player stay within reasonable betting boundaries.

Roulette winning strategy 2019 2020

Tips to use the system:

  • Bet a small amount on red-black, 1-18, or 19-36.
  • If you lose, progress one step further the Fibonacci sequence.
  • If you win, go two steps back on the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Play until you have money or have won enough to leave the table content.

Roulette Winning Strategy 2019 Pdf

The James Bond Strategy

Ian Fleming invented a system that he included in a James Bond book. As a result, his invention became one of the globally popular casino roulette strategies. It requires a minimum budget of $200.

How to play:

  • Bet $140 on the numbers 19-36
  • $50 on 13-18
  • $10 on zero (let it be your insurance)

As you can see, the strategy is for daring risk-takers (like James Bond). You lose everything if the numbers 1-12 win. If the $140 bet wins, you get away with $140+$80. If any of the numbers between 13 and 18 wins, you end up with the win of $50 + $100. Finally, if the ball lands on zero, you are a happy winner of $160.

Hopefully, these winning roulette strategies will help you if not get rich, then at least not go bankrupt while enjoying your favorite game. Play responsibly and don’t forget that no online casino roulette strategy may guarantee you a sure win; most strategies to win roulette at casino are geared towards minimizing your losses, giving you a system to play wisely, and not letting you go bankrupt in the first 5 minutes. Good luck!

Want to use these strategies right away? Make sure to play online Roulette games on CasinoChan to practice all of the tips above and win!

Alternatively, choose from the top 3 live Roulette games:

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Roulette is one of the most exciting games in the casino because it’s a game people can play (and win!) together. No system works all the time, but knowing a few basic strategies can help minimize losses and maximize gains.

Roulette is a pure game of luck. There is absolutely no 100% successful strategy for winning at roulette, despite numerous advertisements to the contrary in some newspapers and on the internet. Even Albert Einstein weighed in on the subject, reputedly saying “You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it.” Since stealing money off a roulette table is a very bad idea in the modern casino, I decided to look at some popular strategies that have developed since the game began back in the late 18th century. Allegedly derived from efforts by Blaise Pascal to create a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century, the French novel La Roulette, ou le Jour by Jaques Lablee describes a modern roulette wheel being played in 1796 inside the Palais Royal in Paris.

People have been devising strategies on how to win ever since.

Roulette has a relatively high house advantage, especially on the double zero tables that populate most Vegas casinos. It’s a fun game to play, but it’s a RNG (Random Number Generator) game where the odds stay exactly the same on every spin. In other words, if Red numbers have hit five times in a row, the chance of a Red number hitting on the next spin remains 47.37%, the exact same chance that a Black number will hit. Roulette is not an even money game because the 0 and 00 each have a 2.63% chance of hitting, thus reducing all the “even money” bets (red/black, odd/even, high/low) to 47.37%.

Since the odds remain exactly the same on every spin, most popular strategies for winning at roulette focus on manipulating the amount of units you wager. I’ve experimented with several of the following systems and can say that the one thing they all do (if you adhere to them) is limit your losses. There’s something to be said for following your gut feeling when you walk passed a roulette table. Either keep on walking or look at the results board and try to double your money with one bet.

Tip #1 – Roulette is a Short-Term Game. Set a limit for your losses and set a goal for your winnings before you start to play.

Tip #2 – Avoid the Martingale System. This is the system very popular with people who have had too much to drink. Like the game of roulette itself, the Martingale System began in France in the 18th century. The strategy requires that the gambler double his even money bet after every loss so that the first win recovers all previous bets plus a profit equal to the first amount wagered. The problems with the system are threefold. First, it requires an unlimited bankroll. Second, most casinos have table maximum limits to curtail this system. Third, a $10 initial bet turns into a $160 bet if you lose just four times in a row. Mathematicians sometimes like to tweak the Martingale System and use the Fibonocci sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13…) where the sum of the two previous bets equals the next bet. Elegant, yes, but it’s just a slower road to ruin with less winnings on a hot streak.

Tip #3 – If you’re good with numbers, try the Labouchère system. This may require a piece of paper and a pen, two things the pit boss might not allow you to use. It’s an involved mathematical progression, but you might be able to keep track of by using your chip stack. Basically you decide how much you want to win and then write down a list of numbers that equal that amount. A player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and last numbers on the list with every bet. If the bet is successful, the two amounts are removed from the list. If the bet is unsuccessful, the amount lost is appended to the end of the list and the player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and (new) last number on the list. As with any system, a bad losing streak can bust you. But, even a moderate hot streak can help you hit your target win amount.

Tip #4 – Start Small and Wait for an Overdue 2-1 Bet. Sit down with your loss limit and target win clearly in mind. Place small even money bets (red/black. odd/even, high/low) bets until you get a feel for the table. Watch for trends, either recurring ones or overdue, in the “1st 12”, “2nd 12” and “3rd 12” groupings. When you feel ready, make you move. Double your average units wagered and pick a group (either 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36). Unlike regular outside bets, these groups of a dozen pay 2-1. This is a variant of the “Double Dozens” strategy. Play it until it hits or you bust. If it hits, take some of your winnings and cover some of the overdue numbers in that group. For example, I like to wait until there’s been a dry spell in high numbers, then bet the “3rd 12” group until it hits and then when it does hit use some of my 2-1 win to cover the inside numbers 30-36, letting the rest ride on “3rd 12”. A lucky back-to-back win can be very profitable when upping your bet with the house’s money!

Although there’s the same probability (2.63%) of any single number hitting on any single spin, trends do occur in roulette and waiting for them is part of the fun and excitement, as well as part of playing to win (or at least limit losses).

Next week I’ll look at some legendary roulette wins, along with some other Vegas myths and legends.