How To Check Nut Slot Depth

Nut Slot Depth Discussion in 'Tech-Talk' started by tmac65, Sep 4, 2013. Tmac65 Strat-Talk Member. Joined: Aug 18, 2013 Location: Denver CO. Starting with a.010' nut file, start a grove at each nut slot pencil mark, continue to groove each mark with the next highest file width, stopping each slot at it's intended width (i.e.010 to start, then.016 for the first fret widens all six slots, then.020 widens the 2nd through 6th slots, etc). Another method of making sure you don’t run the slots two deep is stacking filler gauges next to the fret to the desired height. Then slip them to the nut and hold them back with an elastic band to keep them in place and also match the fretboard radius. If you have the ‘Safe Slot Nut Guard’ this is the place to use it. The slots on the nut are to maintain the string spacing. The best tool to use to make the slots, is a round tapering needle file. The slots only need to be half the strings thickness deep, to keep the string in place. Ideally the string will sit at the bottom of a semi circular slot, that is just a bit wider than the string.
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Discussion in '3rd Gen. Tacomas (2016+)' started by blackohio, Oct 25, 2017.

How To Check Nut Slot Depth Charts