How To Be Good At Online Poker

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All that said, this is a rough guide, and it also helps to be able to read the most basic of poker tells and pay attention to the other players playing styles (are they tight? Etc.) so you can guess what hands you might be up against. Still, if you stick to this what-to-hold and what-to-fold guide, your poker profits should grow. In 2010 Dale would regularly make £10,000 in a month: six years on, he reports that £2,000 is a good month. Many of his professional poker-playing peers have folded for good. True, online poker sessions may go for hours, sometimes they last for 12 hours, which may be tiring for players. It is for this solid reason that the ability to focus deeply for an extended period becomes a highly critical skill to win. If you easily get distracted, poker is perhaps not for you.

Home » Quests » Traits of a Winning Poker Player in Conquer Online
In any games, there are no winners without losers. If you win money in a game, there must be uncertainty that the outcome probably depends on some sort of luck. While board games, such as chess, depend completely on player skill, an amateur player would never challenge a professional player since the outcome seems apparently obvious.
Texas Hold’em, one of the most popular poker games, is totally different from other casino games. Your main opponents are other players on the same table, not the house. Each player can also be a dealer. Poker game requires a lot of skill. If Dominoes is considered about 60% luck and 40% skill, then poker game is 40% luck and 60% skill. You may have good or bad luck sometimes. Therefore, the outcome of poker game is determined by skill in the long run.
Here are some traits that a winning poker player must focus on.
1. Be Patient. Texas Hold’em requires a great patience. You may feel really boring when you get a string of bad cards and keep folding. Some players who lose patience start playing unworthy hands which is usually the main reason that leads to money loss in poker.
2. Blank Expression. Any outward signals of worry or joy will tip your opponents off that you have a good or bad hand. Prevent yourself from demonstrating a reaction to your cards. Some players wear sunglasses and baseball caps to conceal their emotion. Poker face that means showing no emotion on face rose out of poker game. In Conquer Online, you worry less about this, but you still need to change your betting patterns to keep your opponent guessing.
3. Set Goals and Limits. Before sitting down at a poker table, set your targets including the winning goal, the loss limit, and gaming time. When any of the targets reaches the limit, you can consider another play, such as Show Hand. The goals can be flexible according to the actual situation. If you are having good luck, seize the opportunity to win more. If not, do not hesitate to leave.
4. Self-Control. The ability to control your emotions is very important for you to make correct decisions from time to time in poker. Sometimes, bad luck makes the situation worse in which you are more likely to get emotionally affected to make betting mistakes.
5. Long-Term Vision. Take a long-term view and do not care too much about loss at a moment. Loss is quite common that might just happen no matter how skillful you are. Keep yourself calm and collected, and then seize the opportunity to make big bets.
6. Be Persistent. Good luck will come to those who wait. As long as you persist, you will win. Decrease your bet properly when you lose, and make big bets when you get an opportunity to turn over the trend.
7. Make No Mistake. It’s said your profit in Texas Hold’em poker from the mistakes your opponents make, especially when players at the table are equal in skill. You can consider proper raises or all-in bets to entice your opponent to make mistakes. In the game, the one who makes the least mistakes makes the most money.
If you acquire these traits and put forth your sincere efforts, you are sure to succeed in Texas Hold’em poker.

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Whether you play low stakes cash games or tournaments there is a ton of opportunity to make serious money. Even the average lower limit players can make $30,000 per year without much trouble. The time and effort you put in will determine how far your poker bankroll will grow. The more effort you put in the more you get out of it. On average for cash game players at 50nl-1,000nl, you can see steady amounts piling in per month both from rakeback as well as from profit.

Most low to middle limit cash game players will make about $1,000 per month just in rakeback. That is around $12,000 per year extra that you get just for playing poker. Live poker players don’t see this extra money each month and it is a reason why online poker is much better than live poker. The opportunity for growth is better and you can simply make more money online than you can live. Even if you have a lower win rate playing cash games, $30,000 per year is very feasible and you should often times exceed that by a nice margin. Here is where you also come up with your strategy for beating bad poker players.

Low to Middle Stakes Tournament Players

Most low to middle stakes tournament players will put in 50 hours or more per week and some weeks not show profit at all. The reason for that is because of the natural amount of variance in poker tournaments. You could easily go 100 tournaments without a big score or more. Tournament players often make their money from big tournament wins. Even if there are only 15-20 big tournament wins per year that could easily exceed $100,000 or more. Tournaments are very hard and take a lot more patience than cash games. Playing low and middle stakes tournaments will turn out to be a good thing in the end. You can crush these games because this is where tons of fish are in the online game. The lower buy-ins attracts bad players, and you can capitalize on this by learning how to progress through tournaments and beat the weak online poker players.

Low to Middle Stakes Sit and Go Players

The sit and go players are overlooked online, but they are there. Heads up sit and goes are one of if not the most profitable game online today. The whole key to learning heads up sit and goes is practice. You have to know the correct play and since you are playing almost every hand, you have to know when to give up and when to push forward. Heads up matches are often won or lost by losing a coin flip, but up to that point you should have been able to build a chip lead, so it isn’t really what it seems. These matches can be grueling if you don’t find the fish.

Where to Start

To make money you should start off as low as the $10 level. Once you have had success there you can move up to the $20, then $33 and so on. These games will take you up as high as you let them. The range for what you can make per year will depend on how much mental stability you have as well as how well you can manage a bankroll. Some players will make $10,000 per year and some will make close to $200,000 per year. It depends on how much work you want to put in.

High Stakes Players

The high stakes players have no cap on what they can make per year because when sitting in the right game you can make a ton of money in a short period of time. When sitting in the wrong games you can lose a ton of money in a short period of time. Most high stakes cash game players can easily win with a definite level of consistency over a million dollars each year. The high stakes tournament players should also walk away with close to a million. For tournament players it more so depends on if they win the one big tournament or two for the year. You can lose a lot in tournaments over time if you don’t run well. High stakes sit and go players will win hundreds of thousands more or less over time with ease.

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The reason these players have success is because when a player wins a big tournament (like the World Series of Poker), they will always jump into try and beat high limit players. This will always be the case and the natural reason why sit and go players and cash players make more than tournament players. Also, they have more of an edge than tournament players do to make consistent money over time.